Snaitech Sustainability Week

Snaitech Sustainability Week

In 2024 Snaitech presents the sixth edition of "Snaitech Sustainability Week", an entire week - from 6 to 10 May 2024 - dedicated to communication, information and raising awareness on sustainable issues for the company. Snaitech Sustainability Week is also an opportunity to make visible the daily commitment of the entire Snaitech team in continuing to build a better future together, as stated in the claim of the new edition "Costruiamo il futuro, un passo alla volta. Sostenibilmente (Let's build the Future, one step at a time. Sustainably)'. Many initiatives are planned for the week, all dedicated to the theme of sustainability.

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Sustaibaility Report 2023

Snaitech Sustainability Week is the time when Snaitech publishes its Sustainability Report. Each chapter of the document is dedicated to the results achieved for each of the four constituent drivers of Snaitech Group's identity. It starts with the first chapter dedicated to the regulated market, and then continues with sections on innovation, sustainability and people. In addition, this year the Report is enriched with a mini-website that brings together the main highlights of the Report. Click here and discover the document!


Snaitech with Rete Clima to protect the Planet

On the occasion of Sustainability Week, Snaitech is promoting three corporate volunteer events in partnership with Rete Clima, the technical body active in sustainability and decarbonization initiatives. The partnership with Rete Clima continues this year through the campaign "PIANTALA! Più persone creano un cambiamento. Più alberi fanno una foresta (PLANT IT! A lot of people create change. A lot of trees make a forest)" through which Snaitech has invited colleagues since 2022 to take part in urban forestation activities that have seen the planting of more than 3,000 new trees in the three Italian regions where the company is based, Tuscany, Lazio and Lombardy. Snaitech's team of volunteers is intervening with an initiative dedicated to the protection of biodiversity in the following areas: Nova Milanese (MB), Rome at the Quartiere Mezzocammino, and Castelfiorentino (FI).